News Coming For today: How Many Episodes there are.
I know people have asked how many episodes there are in the entire of yoshi galaxy. i can now reveal there will be 12 EPISODES!!! i know it seems shorter than the 49 ones but, remember, i got rid of the world map for some episodes and im not ripping of super mario galaxy 2.
Sonic Evolution Production is being stopped for NOW, i need the lines from the actors to get this done.
Sonic Final Hour, the animated project owned by sonic king is the sequel sonickings popular re-dubs, sonic murder and sonic revenge! Its being delayed... untill Q2 2011, i cant help this, sonicking is busy with his voice acting + acting career, and i can't stop him from doing it just for some lines.
Well, heres the picture i promised:
I think its high time we raise the Front Page allowance threshold.
All in favor?