Yoshi Galaxy Episode 2
In the picure below you can tell a huge graphical update
60Fps looks smooth and great
Easter Egg Character from a series on newgrounds
longer than 10 minuits (maybe longer its hard to tell how long it will be when your only like 6 minutes done.
Release will be close to april
the colors green and blue are used LESS
backgrounds are not repeated
You can see yoshi's feet in this one
More talk and less music
Spell check :D
Its episode 2
Took nearly a year
Better yoshi sprites
The easteregg character is owned by Player.EXE
The hell did some guy send me a message asking about my religion?
LOL some guy on youtube thought i was black XD
Lots of updates :P my fingers hurt.
Oh and i writ out a story this time :D
So, i hope you look forward to episode 2 i think the people who liked episode 1 will be suprised at how well episode 2 will be!
Bu bye now!
Congratulations, you've just become the worlds biggest douchebag :D